Monday, April 2, 2012

To Get an Agent or Not Get an Agent: The FSBO

To Get an Agent or Not Get an Agent:

The Mortgage crisis hit us all and home prices are suffering. Here in Orange County, we are seeing many of our Realtors sell homes with ease. Our Sure Sale Plan and Perfect Home Plan assists Realtors to become the Best Realtors they Can Be. Nevertheless, in some areas, For Sale by Owners are becoming mighty popular.

What is a For Sale By Owner or FSBO? A FSBO is exactly what it sounds like. Some sellers feel that they could sell their own home themselves to save that extra bit of commission they would have to pay a Realtor. There are websites that have popped up to capitalize on this new move and to assist homeowners with their goal.

The question is, which is better? Should you get an Agent or Not get an agent? The simple answer is “It’s your choice.” The best way to analyze this is to study the pros and cons of a FSBO starting with the Pros:

Pros of a FSBO:

1.    You decide how to do things and when to do them. You get all the profits from the sale of your home. You set the viewing times, and negotiations. You deal with the prospective home buyer and close the deals.

2.    You do not have to wait to see if an offer was accepted because you already know.

3.    You do all the marketing, so if you are good at that, you can profit from your endeavors.

4.    You do it all. You find the qualified candidates.

If you are the type of individual that gets excited about hard work and challenges and is not discouraged by failure, then this may be a good choice for you.

Cons of a FSBO:

1.    Selling a property is not as easy as one thinks.

2.    It takes time, patience, hard work and dedication.

3.    FSBO listings in general are rare and for that reason attract buyers that want a bargain. When most people see a FSBO sign, they think “bargain,” or “distressed sale,” or may even think that the seller is not serious.

It is important to understand that commissions charged by real estate agents usually go into asking price. In other words, your asking price plus 6% will be the asking price. Also, your Realtor will be doing all of the marketing for you. A Realtor also comes with experience in negotiations, providing advice, qualifying prospects, and your home will get listed on the MLS.

 <p><a href="">Image: renjith krishnan /</a></p>

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